Friday, October 31, 2014

Horns Movie Review

I did not have any plans for Halloween this year, so I decided the best way to celebrate was to see a movie that seemed to be Halloween-ish.

The movie I saw was Horns. Horns is a dark fantasy movie starring Daniel Radcliffe which was put into limited release on the day of Halloween, but was at the theater near me. I saw the trailer for it, before another movie I saw recently (I think it was Annabelle but I'm not sure), and thought it would be intriguing and appropriate for the season.

Radcliffe plays a man who is accused of murdering his girlfriend, and has had everybody in his town turn against him. One morning, he has mysteriously grown horns, and finds that because of them, anybody near him confesses their darkest thoughts and past crimes. He uses this new-found power to help find the killer, but he may lose his humanity to the satanic horns.

This is a more adult role for Radcliffe than Harry Potter. There is more sex, violence and he is portrayed more demonically.

This was a very interesting movie. It was suspenseful at times, funny at others, and even some romance. There is plenty of disturbing images, and also plenty of humorous parts. It is all tied together by an intriguing story.

However, there were parts of the movie that seemed unlikely. Also, some of the flashbacks of the main characters relationship with the victim seemed to drag on. I understand that these are necessary for character development, but I felt that there were parts that didn't necessarily need to be in there, or that they could have been divided throughout the movie.

But in spite of this, I still enjoyed Horns, and think it is an intriguing thriller.

4.0 out of 5 stars

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