Friday, October 17, 2014

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) Movie Review

It's October, so I've decided that for the rest of the month, my blog will get into the Halloween spirit. Until November begins, I will be reviewing horror films and other Halloween-ish movies, probably mainly from the Halloween Favorites section on Netflix. My first review is of the 1978 version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers is a remake of a 1950s black and white sci-fi horror film of the same name. It is considered one of the greatest remakes of all time, as well as one of the rare remakes that are considered as good as the original.

It stars Donald Sutherland as a San Francisco health inspector who begins to notice the people acting differently. He and a group of other people then out alien pods has landed on Earth, and is replacing the humanity with emotionless creatures with the same appearance. Soon, they are fighting for their lives after the entire city is taken over.

This movie had a very creepy atmosphere throughout, and some pretty effective scares. Once the heroes completely find out about the body snatchers, there is a feeling of dread for these characters. There are some practical effects, and they look pretty good for the most part. The acting is also pretty good for a horror movie, with a cast including Donald Sutherland and Leonard Nimoy.

I could see why it would be considered as good as the original. It maintains that movie's feel, and creates some good scares. I would recommend this movie if you are a fan of science fiction or horror.

4 out of 5 stars

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