Sunday, October 5, 2014

Gone Girl Review

Gone Girl is the new David Fincher movie, which also has a wide array of talented actors including Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, Neil Patrick Harris, and Tyler Perry. In it, Affleck's wife, played by Pike, goes missing. As the investigation continues, the police begin to suspect Affleck more and more.

I really enjoyed this movie. The acting was great, and it was very well directed. It is the type of movie that leaves you shocked at every turn. Its story is built on twists that aren't mentioned in any of the previews. While some of these plot points may seem ridiculous, they way that they are executed left the audience stunned. For the first half hour or so, I thought I had a pretty good idea of where the film was going, but then it took me by surprise, and it became very different.

I saw this movie with a crowd, and throughout the theater, I could feel the tension in the audience. People were muttering in shock at some of the turns this film took. It was so effective that at the end, I was expecting people to applaud the movie. But instead there was dead silence. It takes a lot to leave an audience speechless.

If you are a fan of Fincher's earlier work like Se7en , I would recommend this film. It is twisted, often unsettling, unpredictable, and very intriguing. I am going to give it only 4.5 stars instead of five, because, like I said, it does get kind of ridiculous. But it makes that ridiculousness to be believable, and I think it may be my favorite movie of the year so far.

4.5 out of 5 stars

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