Thursday, November 6, 2014

Toy Story 4 Announced

I may have said that I was no longer going to talk about film news, but now I think that I should get back to that.

So, it was announced today that Pixar is set to make a fourth movie in the Toy Story franchise. This would be directed by John Lasseter, director of the first and second Toy Story movies, but not the third. It is set for release on June 16, 2014.

This is surprising, because years earlier, the creators said that they would not make another one. But apparently they changed their mind.

Now my feelings for this are mixed. On one hand, I really liked all of the Toy Story movies, and would love to see another, if it is as good as the others. However, I think that Toy Story 3 was the perfect ending to the franchise. There is a chance that they could make an ending that is as good as it, but I doubt it.

If they're going to make this movie, they better make it a good one. Otherwise, this could be something that could ruin a great trilogy.


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