Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Jay's Top Ten Movies of 2014

2014 was a great year for movies. There were many great movies, and it was difficult to narrow it down to just ten. But here it is: my top 10 favorite movies of the year.

I should also let you know, I have not seen every movie from this year. I have only seen a few major Oscar contenders this year so far. So if you're wondering why Birdman was not on the list, it's because I haven't seen it yet.  Now that that's out of the way, let's start the list.

10. The Raid 2
This is a film that most people in my home country of America have probably never heard of. But it is an action film from Indonesia, that I rented after hearing great praise for it. I have never seen the first The Raid movie, but I enjoyed this sequel. It has great action sequences, an interesting plot, and I would recommend it to anybody who can get past the subtitles, or dubbing (if you change the language in the Audio Setting section of the DVD, as I did)

9 The Lego Movie
This film could have easily been a shameless promotion of Lego. However, with a charming style, a talented cast, and plenty of great humor, it rises above that level.

8. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
This is one of the few sequels which I thought was better than the original. It takes a more serious tone than other Marvel movies, and becomes as much of a spy thriller as a superhero movie. And it was a good spy thriller.

7. X-men: Days of Future Past
An exciting and intriguing sequel/prequel to the X-men franchise. Bryan Singer, the director of the first two movies, returns to direct this one, and he is great at this franchise. This is one of my favorite X-men movies.

6. Guardians of the Galaxy
It seems as if films that take place in the Marvel universe can do no wrong. They took a bizarre comic series that very few people have heard of, made it into a movie, and it became a sensation. The movie itself is the definition of fun at the movies. It's funny and action-packed, and the characters are charming and have great chemistry.

5. The Grand Budapest Hotel
This was the first Wes Anderson movie I have seen, and I liked it. It was an interesting and unique movie.

4. Edge of Tomorrow (or Live Die Repeat, as it is apparently called now)
I previously did not expect this movie to be that good, but after hearing great reviews, I decided to rent it. And I'm glad that I did. This has everything I want out of a sci-fi action movie: an intriguing storyline, good action, and moments of good humor. This is a very underrated movie.

3. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
This was one of my most anticipated movies of the summer, and it did not disappoint. Like its predecessor Rise of the Planet of the Apes, it is smarter than the average summer blockbuster and has more heart.

2. Gone Girl

This was a shocking movie. Even though some of the major plots seem ridiculous, (but not enough to be considered plot holes) the plot was an unpredictable wild ride. Whenever I thought I knew where the movie was going, it went in a completely different direction. It is also helped by great direction by David Fincher, and great acting performances. I think it would be best to watch it while knowing as little about it as possible.

1. Whiplash
I hope that this gets nominated for the Best Picture Oscar, because this film needs more attention. When I wrote my review for this movie, I gave it a perfect five star rating. It features great acting, great writing, and an unpredictable story. Until now, I never thought that a student getting yelled at by a teacher could be so intense.

And those are my top ten movies of the year 2014. Surely there are many of you who disagree with my picks, so let me know what your favorites were in the comment section.

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