Friday, December 19, 2014

Jay on Sony's Cancellation of The Interview

As most of you reading this probably already know, Sony Pictures has cancelled the release of their upcoming Seth Rogen/ James Franco driven comedy The Interview. This was decided after Sony's computers were hacked by what is believed to be a North Korean group called the Guardians of Peace. They leaked some embarrassing documents and claimed that they would attack theaters showing the movie, which focused on an attempted assassination of Kim Jong-un. As a result, many theater owners refused to show the movie, and Sony cancelled the release of the film altogether.

While I can definitely understand why Sony would do this, I can not support it. I am glad that they care about the lives of theater staff and moviegoers, I do not think that this is the smart thing to do.

These terrorists should not have this much control over corporations like Sony. If a group of people can control an American company by threatening violence, what message does that send to our enemies. It could lead to more people using threats to control corporations that do things that they don't like. And not only movie companies, but any business. And these people should not control our freedom of speech.

Fortunately, after receiving criticism from many people, including actors such as George Clooney, and even President Barack Obama, Sony is now looking for other ways to release the movie. It may receive a straight-to-DVD release, or an online release. Hopefully, they follow through with this, as this will help to send the message that businesses do not negotiate with terrorists.

Source for checking background information:

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