Friday, December 26, 2014

Whiplash Review

Whiplash was snubbed for the Golden Globes.

I'm just going to start out the review with that statement. Though the movie was universally praised, and managed to get a nomination for JK Simmons for Best Supporting Actor, this movie deserves so much more. It has Oscar Material written all over it.

It tells the story of a young jazz student (Miles Teller), with dreams of becoming the next great drummer. He gets into the best music school in the country, but finds out that his instructor (Simmons) is incredibly strict the biggest d**k in the world. He's a perfectionist, verbally abusive, and yells often. So the drummer sacrifices a lot to please him, and the film highlights the highs and lows of their relationship.

This movie was pretty intense. You start to feel for the drummer, as he struggles to become the best, practicing until his hands bleed, and being constantly rejected. You start to care whether he fails or succeeds.  The story is very moving and even disturbing at times. The movies plot is unpredictable, and it even got the audience to gasp at one point near the climax.

The movie's also worth seeing for it's acting. JK Simmons' nominated performance as the instructor was very good. Having previously played J Jonah Jameson in the original Spider-man trilogy, he does a good job of playing an unpleasant person, spraying vulgar insults and criticisms at his students. However, he seems human at some times when we see his motives. There's also some great acting from Miles Teller as the drummer. He is a very sympathetic and believable character.

In summary, Whiplash is an amazing movie. Even though it hasn't gotten the attention from audience that it deserves, it is worth your time. If you like intense drama, emotionally charged performances, or jazz music, I would recommend this movie. I don't want to over-hype this movie, but I think it is actually worth 5 stars.

5.0 out of 5 stars

Also, I am going to see The Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies tomorrow, and will write a review on that as soon as I can. So you can come back and check on that tomorrow if you want.

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