Thursday, January 1, 2015

Jay's Top Ten Most Anticipated Movies of 2015

2015 is upon us, which means another year's worth of movies being released. This is a particularly exciting year for film, with many anticipated movies being released. This is my top 10 most anticipated movies of the year. These may change as the year progresses and I learn about other movies, or people tell me what movies they liked/disliked. But for now, here are the movies I'm most excited for.

10. Minions

The minions from Despicable Me are getting their own spinoff movie. While I don't know whether or not they can pull off their own movie on their own, I would be willing to find out, as they were by far my favorite part of the movies.

9. Mad Max: Fury Road

 This is a direct sequel to the previous three Mad Max movies. It is directed by George Miller, the director of the previous three films, so hopefully this move will have the same feel to them. It stars Tom Hardy (The Dark Knight Rises) and Charlise Theron.

8. The Fantastic Four
The last Fantastic Four movie did not go as well as people hoped it would, but this version has the director of Chronicle, so I'm willing to give it a shot.
  EDIT: After hearing about some of the details, including the young cast, I have grown skeptical of the movie.

7. Terminator: Genisys

Arnold Schwarzenegger is back as The Terminator! I have enjoyed his performance in the original movies and await his return to the franchise. Sure the trailer was confusing, but hopefully they'll explain things better in the actual movie.

6. Ant-man
 The next film in the Marvel cinematic universe. It stars Paul Rudd as a man with a suit that allows him to shrink to the size of an ant. That concept may sound weird, but it's not as weird as that of Guardians of the Galaxy, and I really liked that movie. The Marvel cinematic universe has delivered mostly great films, so that elevates Ant-man on my list.

5. Spectre
 Daniel Craig returns as James Bond in the twenty-fourth movie in the franchise. The movie also stars Christoph Waltz (Inglorious Bastards) and Dave Bautista (Guardians of the Galaxy).

4. Jurassic World

This is the fourth Jurassic Park movie. I do not remember the other sequels, but heard that they were disappointing at best. There is also the fact that Steven Spielberg is only the executive producer and not the director. But the reason this movie is so high up is because I like the concept that this happens while the park is open to the public. In the movie, the staff at the park uses genetic engineering to create a new species of dinosaur, and (surprise!) things go horribly wrong. The movie stars Chris Pratt (Guardians of the Galaxy) and is set for release this summer.

3. The Hateful Eight
 The next film from director Quentin Tarantino, one of my favorite working directors. This is a western, like his previous film Django Unchained, which I really liked. This movie will star Samuel L Jackson, and Channing Tatum is also rumored to have a role in it.

2. Avengers: Age of Ultron
The Avengers was my second favorite superhero movie, behind The Dark Knight, so I'm very excited for this sequel. The trailer for this movie was great. It is supposed to have a darker tone than the previous movie. Joining the cast is James Spader (The Blacklist) playing the villain.

1. Star Wars: The Force Awakens

And so the Star Wars saga continues. It may not be the best time to release another Star Wars movie, after the Star Wars prequels. But with a great trailer, and JJ Abrams directing, I have my hopes up that this could be one of the good Star Wars movies.

And that is my list of the top ten most anticipated movies of 2015. Hopefully, these movies will live up to the hype. If there are any movies you think should be on the list, let me know in the comment section.

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