Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Interview Review

These past two days have been the most pervasive for my reviews. In this short time, I have seen three movies that are in theaters (the reviews for these movies are below). I was sure that The Hobbit was going to be the last movie I was going to see this week, but tonight my family decided to stream the highly controversial film, The Interview.

This movie has gone through a lot. First, it angered North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un. Then there was the hacking scandal, then the threats, then it was pulled from release, then it was only for streaming, then some theaters released it, etc, etc, etc. I have written about my anger at this movie's release being cancelled, and am glad it was finally released. But is the actual movie any good?

The story revolves around a celebrity news show host played by James Franco, and his assistant played by Seth Rogen. After finding out that Kim Jong-un is a fan of their show, they schedule an interview with him to boost their ratings. However, they are recruited by the CIA in an attempt to assassinate him.

First of all, the fact that this movie is getting so much controversy is ridiculous. Sure it takes a pretty anti-Kim Jong-un attitude, but at its core it's just a silly Seth Rogen comedy.

However, it's satire was pretty well done, and it had some good humor. This movie had plenty of potential. Unfortunately, this gets weighted down by other moments, where it resorts to juvenile humor which substitutes raunchiness for actual humor.

Which is a shame, because this film's less crude humor is actually pretty funny. It parodies the dictator, and at times, western culture. But it has enough humor that works for me to give it a passing grade, despite all the jokes that fall flat. However, this is my least favorite movie that I reviewed this week. This movie will be remembered for the controversy for a long time, the rest of it, not so much.

3 out of 5 stars

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