Sunday, November 30, 2014

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer Review

After writing the post on the Peanuts trailer, I have decided that from then on, I was only going to write about news that I feel is important enough to take time out of my schedule and write about. So, now I think I should say something about the teaser trailer for the Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens.

I thought that this was a good teaser trailer. It didn't reveal a lot about the movie, but it showed enough to make it look exciting. I liked the use of practical effects. I am hoping that this movie is better than the prequels.

And that's really all I have to say about it. I apologize for the short review.

4.0 out of 5 stars

Friday, November 28, 2014

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 Movie Review

Mockingjay is the third and final book in The Hunger Games series, and is often considered to be the weakest. However, like certain other books, it is being split into two movies to make more money. Because of all this, I think that the movie was far from the standards of the previous two movies.

In The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1, the nation of Panem is on the verge of revolution. Katniss is appointed as a symbol for the rebellion, and works to create propaganda for the soldiers.

First of all, this movie definitely didn't need to be in two parts. This annoying trend of splitting movies into multiple parts was started when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows was split into two parts. This was a good move, because the last third of the book had so much action it needed an entire movie to display all of it. As a result, that second half is considered a high point for the series. However, other books like Twilight and The Hobbit have taken similar approaches, even though their books didn't need more than one movie. And The Hunger Games is taking the same ill-advised route.

As a result, the movie feels incomplete. Also, this is a pretty slow-moving film, as the first half of the book was not particularly exciting. Though there are a few major plot points presented here, most of it is Katniss shooting propaganda commercials, with little else exciting happening. And there was not enough material in that half to make a two hour movie.

Which is a shame, because there are some pretty good performances and good direction, and it could have been an intriguing movie. Unfortunately, it's downfall was that it was made in two parts. If they had made the entire book into one movie, it could have been so much better. But instead it just feels like they're preparing us for Part 2.

I don't even think that the decision to split the book in two will even help the second part. Even though there was plenty of action in the rest of the book, I don't think it could be easily stretched into a full movie.

So in conclusion, this could have been a good movie if it wasn't split in two. But since it was, it is very disappointing.

2.5 out of 5 stars

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Peanuts Movie Trailer Revealed

Last night, the second trailer for the upcoming Peanuts reboot was revealed online.

So far, this movie is looking better than I was expecting when I first heard about it. I was skeptical the CGI animated recreation of the classic cartoon. First of all, I am not a fan of putting characters who were originally traditionally animated, and making them CGI. Second, I was afraid that they would try to modernize it, and make it another crappy kid's movie that just happens to have well-known characters.

But my faith in this was helped when the first trailer was revealed. It showed the animation style, which was surprisingly not as bad as I or a lot of other people thought it would be. And this second trailer, pop tune aside, captures the same spirit of the original specials. This may not be so bad after all.

However, I am still not sure if I can get over the new animation style. Maybe I'm too old-fashioned, but it still doesn't feel the same as the specials. It has most of what made them great down, but I still can't see them in the same way.

Normally, I would give this a rating, but I do not know what to give it without putting my old-fashioned-ness into play. I'll just say it looks better than it sounds on paper, and it could be enough to satisfy fans.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Interstellar Movie Review

It was difficult to decide what to rate this movie. This is the type of movie that people will either love or hate, and I didn't find myself enjoying it.

Interstellar takes place in the future, where Earth has lost most of its resources and mankind is dying. A group of scientists have left Earth in an attempt to find new worlds for the species to live, so that they may survive.

I was very excited to see this film, because it was directed by Christopher Nolan, who I think is a very talented director. However, while it is not a bad film, it just seemed like, to put it simply, I didn't get it.

On one hand, this has some great acting and special effects. The cast includes several big stars like Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, and Michael Caine, and they all give amazing performances.The special effects are also incredible, as they take you to new worlds.

However, I feel like the film just went over my head. The story is very complex, and near the end becomes confusing. In addition to that, it is almost three hours long, and slow at times.

However, once again this is not a bad film, it's just not my type of movie. If you love thought-provoking sci-fi, and don't mind complex mythology, then this is the perfect film for you. It has incredible special effects, good acting, and is very well directed by Nolan. So because I know how many people will love it, (I have read great reviews from some people) I am going to give it a passing grade.

3.0 out of 5 stars

Star Wars Episode 7 Gets a Title

Today, the title for the upcoming Star Wars film has been announced. It will be called The Force Awakens.

I think that this title is interesting. While it has not been revealed what this movie is about, this title makes it seem intriguing. It gives it an air of significance to the Star Wars universe.

The movie is directed by JJ Abrams, and will take place after all of the other movies in the saga. It is set for release next year, and I, like so many other people, will be eagerly awaiting the Force to awaken.


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Toy Story 4 Announced

I may have said that I was no longer going to talk about film news, but now I think that I should get back to that.

So, it was announced today that Pixar is set to make a fourth movie in the Toy Story franchise. This would be directed by John Lasseter, director of the first and second Toy Story movies, but not the third. It is set for release on June 16, 2014.

This is surprising, because years earlier, the creators said that they would not make another one. But apparently they changed their mind.

Now my feelings for this are mixed. On one hand, I really liked all of the Toy Story movies, and would love to see another, if it is as good as the others. However, I think that Toy Story 3 was the perfect ending to the franchise. There is a chance that they could make an ending that is as good as it, but I doubt it.

If they're going to make this movie, they better make it a good one. Otherwise, this could be something that could ruin a great trilogy.
