Friday, September 19, 2014

Divergent Movie Review

This is my first review of a film that was not in theaters at the time. The people at my college were having a screening downstairs from my dorm, and I decided to join in. Since I haven't written anything since I said I'll focus on reviews, I decided that I would review this. So here are my thoughts on Divergent

This movie is based on the first book in a young adult series, and fits into the stream of adaptations of young adult novels that have been released since The Hunger Games. It seems to fit a certain formula used in many of these movies, and while it isn't a bad film, it is a pretty forgettable one.

The movie is about a future in which everybody is sorted into factions based on their personalities, and must live and work in those factions. The plot centers around a girl who figures out that she doesn't fit into any of the factions, and is thereby viewed as a threat to society.

This movie has a feel that is very similar to The Hunger Games. It has teenagers in a dystopian future trying to change the system, a strong heroine, and a budding romance. There isn't really much, at least in the film version, that feels fresh, and it seems to be spending too much time imitating The Hunger Games. Maybe the book is better (I don't know because I haven't read it), but I found the film to be kind of dull.

However, Divergent does have an interesting concept, and a decent story. It's just that at times it just feels like I've seen it many times before. While I wouldn't consider it bad, I don't think it will stand out among other young adult adaptations released around this time. Which is kind of ironic for a film about standing out.

2.5 out of 5 stars

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