Saturday, September 27, 2014

Best Worst Movie Review

Today, I was on Netflix, and found a documentary which I thought would be interesting, and decided to review it. It was called Best Worst Movie (I realize that the title of the review may be confusing, but the word "Movie" does belong to the title), and I found it to be very entertaining though also very flawed.

This documentary is about the cult favorite so-bad-it's-good movie Troll 2. Troll 2 was an Italian horror film. It was written in English, despite the fact that neither the writer nor director spoke fluent English, and it  was filmed in Utah with American actors who had little to no acting experience. So as you would expect it was initially panned by critics and audiences. However, it had still gained a cult following as one of the worst movies of all time.

The documentary is directed by Michael Stephenson, who was a child actor in that film.

Going into this movie, I was expecting a movie about the production of Troll 2 and how it grew to be so famous. The description of it read "Most people don't set out to produce a horrible film, so how exactly does it happen? This documentary attempts to answer that question." However, it discusses the history of the movie very little, and does not attempt to answer the question in the description. It mainly shows where many of the stars of the movie are, and how big of a following it has.

It follows one of the Troll 2's stars, George Hardy, as he goes on tour showing up at screening of his movie, along with other people who were involved in the production, including the director. Though I have never seen the movie, it was intriguing to see these people who have become so popular for being in such a bad movie. It was also very interesting to see the fan-base, which is larger than I anticipated.

However, I feel like it should have focused more on the history of the movie in question. It would have been interesting to hear more stories of what happened behind the scenes, or, like the misleading Netflix description might suggest, an analysis of what went wrong.

However, what I did get was pretty entertaining. It is funny at times, and mainly intriguing. If you have Netflix, I would recommend Best Worst Movie if this sounds interesting to you.

3.5 out of 5 stars

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