Sunday, October 15, 2017

Blade Runner 2049 Review

Directed by: Denis Villeneuve (Arrival, Prisoners, Sicario)

Starring: Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, Jared Leto

Plot: The studio releasing this movie reportedly asked critics to not give away the plot in their reviews. So out of respect to them, I'll just say that it takes place decades after the original, and Ryan Gosling plays a Blade Runner who eventually meets up with Harrison Ford's character.

Review: Blade Runner 2049 is much better than I expected when I put it on my Top Ten Most Anticipated List of 2017. I don't think it is as good as the original classic, but it is a great, intelligent sci-fi thriller.
It is more complex and story driven than most other science fiction movies these days, without being overly confusing. The plot is not always easy to predict, and it has some interesting philosophical themes. It is very well acted, and the writing and directing are great.
It is phenomenal from a visual standpoint. The world this movie takes place in is fully realized, and looks amazing.
My main complaint is that it is a little too long. It clocks in at two hours and 44 minutes, and sometimes it drags.
I don't have much else to say about it, and I apologize for the short review. I recommend you see it, and support this kind of movie. If the box office is any indication, they need this.

Rating: 4 out of 5... stars (It's getting too hard to think of something else to write down in my ratings)

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