Saturday, September 26, 2015

Black Mass Review

Johnny Depp breaks out of the roles he has been typecast into in Black Mass. And he does this very convincingly. Unfortunately, the rest of the movie does not live up to that performance.
Johnny Depp plays James "Whitey" Bulger, one of the most notorious gangsters in US history, in a movie that chronicles his illegal relations with an FBI agent. He disappears into this role, and truly becomes Bulger. He comes across as very intimidating. His performance elevates this otherwise forgettable gangster movie.

The movie does very little to distinguish itself from other gangster movies. There are very few scenes that are truly memorable. There are not many sympathetic characters in this movie, so it is hard to feel for anybody when they are put through generic gangster movie situations. Altogether, while the movie is still reasonably interesting, it never really sucks you in.

However, the amazing performance of Johnny Depp is enough to recommend this movie. The movie itself probably won't last the test of time, but it is an interesting diversion.

3 out of 5 stars

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Jay's Top Ten Favorite Movies

This week, I did not see any movie in the theater. So instead, I'm just going to tell you what my favorite movies are.

This is a list of my top ten personal favorite movies. This list will probably change over time, as I see other movies, or someday think of some movie that I regret not putting on this list. But this is the order that I'm leading toward right now.

10. Psycho (1960)

Alfred Hitchcock's masterpiece. Though many of the surprises of this movie are common knowledge now, the movie still played with the audience's expectations like few movies do. It deserves to be on this list, because of it's unconventional nature, and influence on the horror genre.

9. Up (2009)
Well, this is...different from the last one.
The plot of this movie is batshit insane, but in a charming way. It's fun and entertaining throughout. It can tug at my heartstrings more in the first three minutes than most movies can do in their entire run-time. This is definitely one of Pixar's best.

8. Finding Nemo (2003
And this is what I think is Pixar's best. It has humor, heart, and beautiful animation. I grew up on it, and it still holds up.

7. Jaws (1975)
This movie has great tension. Steven Speilberg's direction, and the decision to not have the audience see the shark, make this a classic horror movie.

6. The Lion King (1994)
An animated Disney classic. It's dark when it needs to be, and fun at most other times. It is a great coming of age tale, and one that every child should see.

5. ET: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

Another movie that every child should see. No other movie has more perfectly captured our childlike wonder.

4. Jurassic Park (1993)
I can't believe I'm putting this above ET either. I guess that while ET was technically better made, I just personally prefer this Spielberg movie. Maybe I'm just more prone to liking the sight of dinosaurs attacking people. But either way, this movie has great visuals, and some pretty intense sequences.

3. Pulp Fiction (1994)
Probably one of the most entertaining gangster movies out there. This film combines dark humor, smart dialog, and a fun seventies atmosphere. This is Quentin Tarantino at his best.

2. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Not many films have made me laugh as hard as this one did. It is very ridiculous, in the best kind of way. Silly, hilarious, and quotable, this is a comedy for the ages.

1. Forrest Gump (1994)
I think this movie deserves to be at the top of the list. The winner of the 1994 Oscar for Best Picture perfectly balances comedy and tragedy. Both of these elements are done very well, none seem to be overshadowed by the other. Tom Hanks gives a great performance, and Robert Zemekis' direction is brilliant. This is my favorite movie.

And those are my personal favorite movies. I hope this allows you, as a reader, to get to know me better.