Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Older Movie Reviews: Finding Nemo

With Inside Out, Pixar's next animated movie, coming out this Friday, I've decided to review one of their other movies this week. So here are my thoughts on one of their most well known movies, 2003's Finding Nemo.
Ah yes, Pixar. There was nothing like Pixar in their glory days, when they were responsible for some of the greatest animated films of all time. So many of these movies, like Toy Story, Up, and Monsters Inc, could have easily gotten the five star rating from me. And in the middle of that heyday, there was this gem.

The movie centers around a clownfish named Marlin, who is an overprotective father to his son Nemo. His world is changed when Nemo is taken from the ocean and placed in an fishtank in a dentist office in Sydney, Austrailia. Marlin has to team up with another fish named Dory, played by Ellen Degeneres, to get over there find a way to retrieve him.

One of the many things I have to say about this movie is that it is beautifully animated. This film takes place in a gorgeous underwater habitat. Everything is colorful, and beautifully rendered.

But this movie is far from style over substance. It is a great example of Pixar being able to entertain children and adults alike. It balances witty comedy with moments of emotional depth. The characters feel real, and the audience is always interested in what happens next. The adventures that the fish encounter on their journey are exciting, funny, and look great.

This is a movie that is worthy of the Pixar name.

I am going to give this five stars. I realize that my last review of Jurassic Park also had a five star rating, and that was the only review so far that had the name Older Movie Reviews. I promise you that not all of my older review would kiss the movie's ass so much, but this movie does deserve this rating.

5 out of 5 stars.

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