Saturday, June 6, 2015

Older Movie Reviews: Jurassic Park

With the new movie Jurassic World coming out this Friday, I've decided that this week I will review the original Jurassic Park. Enjoy.
Jurassic Park is one of Spielberg's best films, and one of the best sci-fi disaster films of all time. It takes a concept that could have been a simple B-movie, and brings it to life as something more.

The plot revolves around a man who brings scientists to endorse his new and creation -- a theme park where the attractions are cloned dinosaurs. However, an attempt to smuggle dinosaur DNA, leads to a power outage. The dinosaurs break free, and everybody's lives are in danger.

The film was revolutionary at the time for it's special effects. This movie popularized the use of CGI by showing dinosaurs that looked very realistic. And more than twenty years later, amazingly, the effects still hold up today.

Now if there's one thing that director Steven Spielberg is good at, it's putting a sense of childlike wonder in his films, and this is prevalent in the first half hour of this film. This shows the park in all of it's majesty, before things went horribly wrong. The dinosaurs all look amazing, and it keeps you dazzled and entertained even before anything bad happens. You'll probably want to actually go to the park... I mean besides the whole getting killed by dinosaurs thing.

When the shit does hit the fan, it is very intense. These scenes done in a very different manner than what he had done with his breakout film, Jaws. In Jaws, the shark was rarely shown, and this made the sequences it was in more tense. In this movie, he shows the dinosaurs in all of their glory. This method usually doesn't work in movies, but this is one of the few exceptions. The direction of these sequences keep tensions high as the people try to escape.

In conclusion, Jurassic Park is a classic, that stays intense and spectacular throughout. The visuals are amazing, the action is thrilling, and the direction is great. In short, yes, it's as good as you probably remember.

5 out of 5 stars

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