Sunday, June 28, 2015

Ted 2 Movie Review

I am here on what will probably be my last post for the summer. I just got a job at a summer camp, with little wi-fi, so I won't be able to continue this blog until the fall. So without further ado, here's my review of Ted 2.
This is the third movie from director Seth McFarlane, the creator of Family Guy. While I feel like Family Guy isn't as funny as it was in it's early seasons, Ted was actually a pretty funny movie. And I think that this sequel is also a good film for people looking for a fun time.

Ted, the talking teddy bear, (Seth McFarlane) finds that his life is turned upside down after the government decides that he is not a person. This causes him to lose his bank account and his credit card, makes his marriage invalid, and causes him to lose many other rights as well. He sues the government, hiring Amanda Seyfried as his lawyer.

Ted 2 has many funny moment in it. It feels like a live-action episode of Family Guy, even more so than the first one. Like the first one, there is a lot of sexual content, drug use, and offensive humor. But these don't feel like they're just in for shock value.

However, there are also a lot of jokes that don't work. Like some of McFarlane's other work, it features a few pop culture references that don't go anywhere.

Another minor thing that bothered me is how they handled Mila Kunis' character from the last movie. She did not return for this movie, and they explained her away by saying that she divorced Mark Whalberg, and never mentioning her again. This made the happy ending of the last movie seem pointless. Although then again, that's probably just me nitpicking.

But in the long run,Ted 2 is a very funny movie. It has enough big laughs to make people forgive the jokes that fall flat. It probably won't win over people who don't like Seth McFarlane's brand of humor, but it is a fun time for his fans. I would actually go as far as to say that it is almost as good as the first one.

3.5 out of 5 stars

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