Thursday, June 18, 2015

Jurassic World Movie Review

It has been almost two weeks since I wrote my review of Jurassic Park in preparation for the release of Jurassic World. Well now I've finally seen it, so now I can finally give my thoughts on it.
In this movie, the idea of a theme park full of dinosaurs becomes a reality, which draws many tourists. However, the people running the park decide to further increase attendance by genetically engineering a new type of hybrid dinosaur. The creature gets out, and everyone on the island is in danger.

The thing that I should probably lead this review with is that the CGI is as great as ever. The dinosaurs look great, simple as that.

The rest of the movie itself is pure entertainment. You can probably find a few plot holes, but it would be difficult to deny that it is entertaining. Visually, it has everything you probably wanted in a Jurassic Park movie. People getting eaten, dinosaurs fighting in a theme park setting, Chris Pratt riding a motorcycle with velociraptors running with him. The fact that the park is open to the public while all this is happening, raises the stakes and makes it more exciting.

While the movie wasn't directed by Steven Spielberg, it does have some elements of a Speilberg film. For example, there is a subplot of two children at the park who are going through parental issues, and similar young characters have been in many of Speilberg's work. So it still feels like a Speilberg film.

In conclusion, Jurassic World has plenty of action to please fans of the franchise. However, like I said before, there are a few major plot holes that may irritate people. Which is a shame, because of how intense and thrilling the rest of it is. But if you're like me, and just want to see some dino action, this is the ticket for you.

4.0 out of 5 stars.

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