Friday, April 17, 2015

Star Wars/ Batman v Superman/ Terminator Trailer Reviews

This has been a huge week for trailers. Yesterday, (or the day before I started writing this) the second trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens was released, and then the second trailer for Terminator Genesys. Today, the first trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was leaked days before its premiere. So I've decided to do a review for each in one post.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Holy crap, this trailer is great. I am probably one of the few people who weren't absolutely blown away by the first teaser trailer, (not that I didn't like it) but this was almost perfect. This is another teaser trailer, but it shows more than the last one. I feel like it showed the perfect amount. It was enough to get me excited, but not enough to spoil too much. It has some pretty good imagery, and looks like it captures the feel of the original trilogy. And if that wasn't enough, the ending will get to you.
5 out of 5 stars

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
As you all probably know, the production of this movie has been plagued with controversy. The casting decisions of Ben Affleck as Batman, and Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor has been very unpopular among fans. Add in the mixed response to Man of Steel. So I was waiting for a trailer to see how things will turn out. And this trailer was serviceable to show the Ben Affleck Batman, and he seemed like an OK portrayal of the dark knight from what I've seen so far. Although, the trailer didn't have what I really wanted to see: Eisenberg's Lex Luthor. I had always been more concerned about Eisnberg being casted than Affleck. When I first heard that Ben Affleck was cast as Batman, I thought nothing of it. I wasn't thinking about Daredevil at the time, and when I heard about the controversy, I tended to be on his side because of his more recent movies. But I still can't see Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. I mean, I'm trying to keep an open mind since Batman fans have had a history of bad casting judgements (Michael Keaton, Heath Ledger), but for now I can't see it.
As for the trailer itself, it was pretty good. I like how it's trying to differentiate itself from Marvel with its darker tone. The story that's being told looks like it could be interesting. Overall, even though it may not calm as much skepticism as it could, it's still a pretty intriguing trailer.
4.0 out of 5 stars

Terminator Genesys
Um... like the Star Wars trailer, this also shows more than the trailer before it.
All jokes aside, let's talk about this trailer. It has caused buzz online for the reveal that John Conner is a terminator, with many people calling it a spoiler. When I watched it, I definitely thought that as well. However, now that I think it over, this just may be something that happens early on, and there may be more surprises that haven't been revealed yet. But for right now, unless somebody who works on the film denies it, this feels like a huge spoiler. Either way, I think it would have been better if I went into the movie not knowing that.
Although other than that, I can't really see anything else in this trailer that would put me off of this movie. I thought it was at least passable. I don't think that I should really let something that may or may not matter get in the way of judging this trailer. However, it is still my least favorite among these three.
3.0 out of 5 stars

So as you could probably tell, my favorite of these three is the Star Wars trailer. It builds excitement without even giving what the movie's even about (you hear that Terminator?). Overall, there is sure to be a lot of hype building for all of these movies.

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