Saturday, April 4, 2015

It Follows Review

It Follows is the type of movie that I wanted to enjoy more than I did. This horror movie has received a lot of praise during its run in limited release, earning a Rotten Tomatoes score of 95%. Although I wasn't as impressed. It was a good film, but I personally didn't find anything really spectacular about it.
The plot revolves around a college student who has sex with her boyfriend and starts to notice weird things happening. By having sex, her boyfriend passed a curse onto her in which she can see an entity trying to kill her, and the only way to stop it is to have sex and pass it on to someone else.

The film pays homage to the scary movies of the eightys. The main characters are similar to the teen victims of the slasher flicks, and, of course, there is the idea that premarital sex can get you murdered. The setting also appears to have an eightys feel to it, through many details such as the design of the cars shown.

But unlike many of the most famous horror films of the decade, it's scares are psychological. It focuses on creating atmosphere, using few jump scares and little gore throughout. It was scary, but I think it could have been creepier.

This movie does not break any new ground in the horror genre. I think that there are plenty of other recent horror films that are scarier, but this is still not a bad movie. It has plenty of tension at times, and an intriguing premise. The "it" which follows her is a pretty creepy antagonist. It takes the form of several different normal people, and may leave you afraid of anybody who walks in your general direction. So, it's a pretty good movie, but it's just somewhat overhyped.

I may be in the minority with this review, but I was expecting a lot more from this movie. Maybe the hype killed it, but I thought it was just OK. If you listen to the other critics, I wouldn't stop you, but I personally didn't see it as a new classic like so many people.

3.0 out of 5 stars

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