Monday, March 6, 2017

Get Out Review

Get Out is the directorial debut of Jordan Peele, from the comedy duo Key and Peele. The fact that it is a horror movie may be surprising and maybe a little off-putting, but this may be one of the best horror movies of the past few years.

It tells the story of a black man who goes to meet his white girlfriend's parents, and begins to fear that there might be something unnatural going on in her suburban town. Without spoiling too much, the movie uses this concept to explore themes of racial relations. However, it focuses on more subtle racism by seemingly tolerant characters. This offers a more interesting insight to these themes.

It is also a very effective horror-comedy. There are a few cheap jump scares, but overall it is very tense throughout. The comedic moments also work very well, but never get in the way of the scares. The characters are well thought out and you actually want them to survive. Overall, this movie held my interest, even when the story went down a somewhat ridiculous path.

Get Out is a very intense, funny, and insightful thriller. It will scare you, but it will also make you think.

4.5 out of 5 stars

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