Sunday, May 17, 2015

Mad Max: Fury Road Review

2015 is turning out to be a great year for the R-rated action flick. Normally, this genre is an endangered species in a market full of semi-kid-friendly superhero movies, and other action movies which get toned down to a PG-13 rating. However, this year we have gotten two success stories. First, the excellent Kingsmen: The Secret Service became a surprise hit. Then, Mad Max: Fury Road, one of the most anticipated films of the summer, decided to stay true to its gritty, R-rated roots, and delivered a good movie in the process.
The movie sees Max, now played by Tom Hardy, as he escapes imprisonment from a tyrannical leader. He then joins a party led by rogue worker, played by Charlise Theron, on a journey to Theron's homeland, while being chased by an army of evil soldiers.

Now, prior to watching this, I have unfortunately only seen the first Mad Max movie, so I probably can't speak for a lot of the die-hard fans. However, I really enjoyed this movie, and from what I've heard, a lot of the fans did as well.

This film is action-packed, with a lot of car chases, and I mean a lot of car chases. These chases are very intense, and they are made even more intense by the fact that some of the good guys actually die in them. This tends to be more tense for me than many movies where I am sure that all of them will survive. It also does a good job of displaying the cynical nature of this world, that was displayed in the first one.

These characters are also very well-acted. Tom Hardy plays Mel Gibson's character of Max pretty well. He convincingly plays a man who is still haunted by the death of his family, which I thought made him a more sympathetic character. Charlise Theron also does a great job of playing a convincing bad-ass soldier.

In conclusion, Mad Max: Fury Road is an intense, well-acted film with plenty of car chases, explosions, and crashes using practical effects. What a lovely day indeed.

4.5 out of 5 stars

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