Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Dead Snow: Red Vs Dead Review

It has been a long time since I have done a review of a movie I saw on Netflix, but when I saw that this movie had been added, I figured that I was going to watch it, which led to me deciding I was going to review it. This is a sequel to a Norwegian horror comedy Dead Snow, which has gained an underground following. I didn't see the original before then, but I streamed it before I saw this one.
Before I start, here's some information about the first one, and what I thought of it (I probably should have written a review of it, but too late now). It told the story of a group of people who go to an isolated cabin, and get attacked by Nazi zombies. I thought the first half of the movie was pretty generic: college students go to a secluded cabin, get attacked, I've seen this a thousand times before. It isn't until about halfway through where things started to pick up. It was at this point where it really showed the campy thrills and dark humor that comes from a movie about Nazi zombies. In these parts, it resembled movies like Shaun of the Dead and Zombieland more than a hardcore scary movie. This part was good, but as a whole the movie was just average. So I was starting to have doubts about this one. But I watched, because the trailer made it look pretty good, and I heard it was getting better critical reception than the original.

In this one, the survivor from the first movie has been framed for the murders that happened, and his severed arm has been accidentally surgically replaced with a zombie's. While on the run, he finds out the same zombies who attacked him, are now set on attacking a city in an attempt to conquer the world, and he, along with a group of other people, are the only ones who can stop them.

And if that sounds like a more ridiculous plot than the one above, that is because it is. But this isn't necessarily a bad thing; if anything it makes it more comically over-the-top.

This was a very funny movie. It was like the original, minus the boring formulaic segments, making it much better. It increases the scale of the original, but doesn't sacrifice the campiness. There are a few plot holes and some jokes fall flat, possibly because they didn't translate very well (though there was an English version shot - which is the one that I watched - it was originally in Norwegian). But in the long run, it is still a pretty entertaining film.

This movie is not for everyone, there is plenty of gore and disturbing sequences. But if you like horror comedy or zombie movies than this might be good for you. This movie is indeed better than the original.

4.5 out of 5 stars

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