Saturday, July 19, 2014

Annabelle Trailer Review

October is only a few months away, the month where movie theaters are filled with horror flicks to ring in Halloween. One of these is the prequel to last year's The Conjuring, entitled Annabelle.

This movie is about Annabelle, the demonic doll which had a couple short but memorable scenes in The Conjuring. It looks as if it will be the story how it became possessed and ended up with all the other supernatural relics, and I assume it will also be based on a true story.

First I would like to say that I really enjoyed The Conjuring. It scared me, and throughout the run-time it was evident that the rest of the audience was scared as well. True, it didn't present anything new to the standard horror movie formula, but that didn't stop it from being, in my opinion, one of the scariest movies in recent years.

The trailer carries much of the same creepy atmosphere as the original. The doll is just as disturbing; the scene at the end with her in the rocking chair particularly sent chills up my spine. If the film can live up to its trailer, it could become more than just another dumb spin-off movie. I am confident that it could be almost as good as its predecessor, despite it not having the same director. All in all, this trailer was creepy, unsettling, and it intrigued me.

Annabelle will be released in theaters in the United States on October 3.

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