Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Trailer Review

I usually get annoyed when somebody says that a reboot ruins their childhood. Even if your childhood consisted entirely of watching TV, it's not going to change anything about the original shows you watched as a child. With that said, I really don't like the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles trailer that was released today.

I have never thought that a live action TMNT reboot would be a good idea. I remember when I first heard from a radio show that Michael Bay was making this film, and I thought "This movie is going to suck." This thought was confirmed only seconds later, when the stars said that Bay had already angered fans of the series by saying that the turtles would be aliens instead of mutant turtles (like it says in the damn title). From that point, as more details were revealed, the movie seemed to sink deeper into controversy, including the decision to cast Megan Fox as April O'Neil. This film, which Bay produced but did not direct, seemed doomed to fail.

The first trailer did not help, and neither did its very similar second trailer. Even though Bay said that they would no longer be aliens, movie fans, myself included, thought that this still looked stupid. The turtles' design was kind of disturbing, and Megan Fox was not a good enough actor to take on this role.

This third trailer also failed to make this look good.

I do not like the tone of this trailer. The original live action movies were better, because they were just fun, and didn't take themselves seriously. This one, while it's not gritty, I get the feeling that it's taking itself more seriously than a movie about talking ninja turtles should. Also, these CGI turtles do not look as good as the ones in costumes from the originals.

However, in spite of how much I hated this trailer, I have to admit it was still better than the first trailers. Simply because it appears to be more faithful to the turtles' characters. I also liked how at the end, when they admitted that having them be aliens was stupid. Even if the rest of the dialog in that scene was cheesy.

But honestly, this movie doesn't look like it's going to be very good. It might be better than it looks, but it is unlikely that it is going to be great. In the best case scenario, it'll just be a fun, stupid action movie with little plot. However, I think it will just suck.

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